Come back Jonee


Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:32 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Q: Are We Not Men? A: We are Devo!

Song Author

Mark Mothersbaugh

Tabbed by

Guitar: Brian Murtagh


1st → Rhythm1
2nd → Clean Rhythym
3rd → Leadk 2

File Size

33 KB




Hey come back Jonee you gotta come back now Jonee well come back Jonee Jonee be good treat her like you should you made her cry Jonee you're bad you're gonna make her sad Jonee went to the pawnshop bought himself a guitar now he's gonna go far [ Find more Lyrics on ] you gotta love 'em and leave 'em sometimes you deceive 'em you made her cry Jonee you're bad you're gonna make her sad after the tear-drops Jonee jumped in his datsun drove out on the express way went head-on into a semi his guitar is all that's left now he made her cry now she calls his name Jonee you're to blame come back Jonee